Clash Royale Apk Version 3.3.2 Free Download

Clash Royale:

Clash Royale is a free premium online video game introduced and developed by Supercell for both iOS and Android users in 2016. The game basically consists of Cards, Towers, Clans, Tournaments, and leagues, etc.

Clash Royale-Logo

Clash Royale - GamePlay:

Clash Royale is an online video game that pits players in games highlighting two or four players (1v1 or 2v2) in which the goal is to crush the most restricting pinnacles, with the devastation of the "Kings's Tower" being an immediate win. After three minutes, if both of the players/groups have an equivalent measure of crowns or none at all the match proceeds into a 2-minute extra time period and the player who decimates a contradicting tower wins momentarily. On the off chance that no pinnacles are annihilated during extra time, there is a sudden death round, where all pinnacles quickly lose wellbeing, and the pinnacle with the least wellbeing is demolished. In the event that two pinnacles have similar well-being, there is a draw. After an update in late 2018, leaving a 2v2 match on various occasions keeps the player from playing 2v2 with arbitrary players for quite a while. 

In Clash Royale, players are positioned by their number of prizes. Players level up by picking up Experience (or King Level) focuses through giving and redesigning cards. The most elevated conceivable level will be level 13. The December 2018 Update added Star Points for unnecessary Experience when players arrive at level 13, and will grant Star Points for beforehand extra Experience. 

Prizes are won or lost through multiplayer fights, a player wins a fight by obliterating a bigger number of pinnacles than the adversary (each wrecked pinnacle being spoken to as a 'crown'), or by pulverizing the rival's King's Tower, bringing about a programmed "three-crown" triumph (except if the King's Tower was crushed simultaneously by the two players, bringing about a draw). 

There are thirteen playing fields altogether (barring the instructional exercise field, Training Camp): Goblin Stadium, Bone Pit, Barbarian Bowl, P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse, Spell Valley, Builder's Workshop, Royal Arena, Frozen Peak, Jungle Arena, Hog Mountain, Electro Valley, Spooky Town, and The thirteenth field (this field name changes each season), with every field comparing to a specific prize reach. A player arrives at classes in the wake of arriving at 4000 Trophies.


Features in Clash Royale:

  • Players can be from all around the world and take their Trophies
  • Earn chest to unlock levels & rewards, collect cards and upgrade existing obe
  • Multiplayers fight prizes won 
  • Fantastic graphic designs
  • Interesting levels

Additional Information:

Version:           3.3.2
Updated on:    30th Sep 2016
Downloads:    100,000,000+
Download size: 124 MB


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