Stardrew Valley APK Free Download New version

About Stardrew Valley;

Stardrew Valley developed by "Eric Concerned Ape Barone" In Stardrew Valley, players can choose the role who take cares over his/ her old deceased grandfather's troubled farmhouse referred as Stardrew Valley.
The game allows players to hold different activities like crafting, crops growing, socializing with townsfolks and so on. In this game three players are allowed to play online together.
Stardrew Valley LOGO


Stardrew Valley is a farming simulation game essentially motivated by the Harvest Moon video game series. At the beginning of the game, players make their character, who turns into the beneficiary of a plot of land including a little house once possessed by their granddad in an unassuming community called Pelican Town.
Players may choose from a few distinctive ranch map types, with every one having their advantages and drawbacks. The ranch plot is at first invaded with stones, trees, stumps, and weeds, and players must attempt to clear them so as to restart the homestead, tending to harvests and animals in order to create income and further grow the homestead's structures and offices. 
Stardrew Valley Image

Players may likewise cooperate with non-player characters (NPC) that possess the town, remembering drawing in for associations with these characters; this can finish in marriage, which brings about the NPC helping the player's character to tend the homestead.
Players can likewise participate in fishing, cooking, and making, and furthermore explore procedurally-generated caves with materials and minerals to mine or fight animals inside.

Additional Info about game:

Downloads: 1000,000,plus
Updated on :20 AUG 2020
Download size: 302MB


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